Writing better Wiki


For the purposes of this wiki, please restrict all discussion about the definition of infinity to writing.


The purpose of infinity is the greatest thing in writing, it can serve the purposes of lengthening your writing at the very least.

You can use this in spelling, grammar, and content.

Increasing your vocabulary even by one word makes you a better writer, you know one more word to use in writing. Two words makes your writing better by a factor of two and so on. This is a fundamental factor in writing better and is an interesting topic for anyone to study, especially the writer.

At the basic level that anyone reading this can understand, if you want to write better, you come to this wiki. If you like it, you edit it and it becomes better for you. If two people do the same thing and the wiki becomes better for both of them, it's value increases twofold regardless of it's original value. Two people updating this make it better no matter what. This wiki is all about writing though, so it should always be better for writing since anyone has access to it.
